Curriculum & Resource Development
Our team develops high quality, in-depth K-8 curriculum and resources focused on stories of marginalized communities around the United States. Each utilizes our A-R-T framework, ensuring that students analyzes the past, reflect on their lives, and transform their communities and neighborhoods around them.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Schedule a consultation and let’s get started together!
How It Works
OurStory Curriculum
Pre-made interdisciplinary curriculum for elementary & middle school classrooms; For our 1 classroom license, the price is $149. Multiple classroom and district licenses’ prices varies depending on your needs.
Bridge Builders: A Toolkit for Justice
Made for teachers, school administrators, and parental and community groups preparing for Ethnic Studies in their classrooms, Bridge Builders is our Patreon subscription for resources focused on Ethnic Studies, inclusive and safe spaces, and transformative education.
Services include co-designing curriculum development and review and coaching. Pricing varies depending on your needs.
OurStory Curriculum
#IRL Classroom Examples